School of revivalists ministries inc | policies, Terms & Conditions

SOR policies are subject to change without notice. By signing the application, you agree to all policies listed, policies noted in the student handbook, to adhere to staff protocol and verbal commitments, and all terms and conditions. The policies below apply to intended programs. For questions, email:

Tuition/Refund Policy

  • Monthly payments are non-refundable. Refund Policy for other payments (downpayments/split payments): 90% refundable within 10 days. After 10 days, all payments are final. Please see the policy page at or email for more info.

  • Application and Student Portal Fees are non-refundable.

  • Any fees paid for books, apparel, supplies, outreach, travel, food, media, miscellaneous, badges, parking stickers, etc., are nonrefundable.

  • Tuition for additional family members: Each additional family member (Husband, Wife, Child ) tuition costs are the same as the second student ($200 discount).

  • Financial Assistance Program - If you are in need of financial assistance to pay your tuition or to attend a program, please email: Financial assistance applicants will need to provide financial information for tuition assistance, extension, or other program related fees and/or payments.

  • Limited scholarships are available and vary per semester, contact us to apply.

School Closure or Suspension

  • In the event that School of Revivalists Ministries closes or suspends due to government guidelines, live program students may be temporarily transferred to the online program until SOR reopens and classes resume. The online program will continue until the school reopens or until the semester concludes.

  • In the event that School of Revivalists Ministries closes either temporarily or permanently, students are not eligible for refunds on any payments made to School of Revivalists Ministries Inc. Closure or suspension could ensue due to unforeseen events, evacuations, pandemics, etc., or guidelines issued by Federal, State, or Local Governments.

  • If School of Revivalists Ministries Inc classes are suspended, closed, or the online program becomes unavailable: payments made may be applicable once the school reopens and classes resume.

  • In the event that governmental guidelines affect classes, SOR may temporarily or permanently relocate, or improvise strategic solutions to continue our constitutional right to assemble. By signing the application, students agree to adjust accordingly with any locational or unforeseen changes.

Application & Student Portal Fee

  • $35 Application fee – nonrefundable.

Audits | Letter of Attendance

  • Tuition: $800 per semester. Payment plans are available. All audits are on an individual basis and are not eligible for a family discount.

  • Auditing students must complete the general application and pay the application fee.

  • The audit does not include books. If the auditing student desires books, they must order them separately.

  • Audit students do not have access to the student portal unless requested and pay a $50 fee.

  • Audit includes core classes only. Students who audit may attend family gatherings and outreach but are not eligible for mission or ministry trips.

  • Students who audit do not receive academic credit for attending the classes and, as such, are not eligible to be awarded a diploma, or degree.

  • Letter of Attendance: Students who complete the Audit program and attendance requirements will receive a Letter of Attendance at graduation.

Payment Responsibility

  • All students must be paid up to date to attend class.

  • Declined payments receive a 7% fee, must pay within 7 days of the due date.

  • Late Payments (declined) must be paid within 7 days of the due date, 7% fee on declined card payments, 25% fee on returned checks, must be up to date including fees by 7 days.

  • Students may re-attend class after payments have been made.

  • Students who fail to pay after the deadline are not able to continue attending school.

  • Students who are unable to attend due to failed payments are not eligible for refunds of any type for any payment(s) made to the school.

  • Scholarships/Financial Assistance – Students who fail to make payments may apply for a scholarship or financial assistance within 7 days of failed payment if eligible. They may continue attending school for 14 days if eligible for the scholarship, or until the scholarship is approved/unapproved. If the scholarship is non-eligible or unapproved, a student is unable to continue attending school. If a student receives a scholarship for payment missed, the student is required to make a payment on the next due date. If a student receives a scholarship for the remainder of tuition, the student may continue to attend school. If a student receives financial assistance, payment adjustments are made until the end of the semester.


  • Classes – Perfect attendance is achieved when the students attend all classes (24).

  • Encounter Nights: Three classes per semester will be an off-location encounter night. These dates and locations are announced in class. Attendance is required. If the off-site class is unavailable, a Zoom gathering may be subsidized.

  • Zoom Classes may also be required during the semester.

  • The minimum amount classes to complete the program is 20.

  • If a student misses more than 6 classes, they may apply for an attendance waiver ($150) to complete the course. To apply, they must attend a minimum of 18 classes, be in good standing, have all requirements met to date, and be current on tuition payments. If accepted, they must complete additional course work to compensate for days missed. $150 fee may be lessened or waived depending on each individual student’s life circumstances.

  • Revival Groups – Students must attend a minimum of Revival Groups announced per semester to graduate, they may apply for an attendance waiver if one is missed.

  • Outreaches – Students must attend required outreaches to graduate.

  • Ministry/mission trips – Students must attend 1 ministry/mission trip (if offered).

  • Church – Students must regularly attend some form of community gather, home group/church, church service to complete the course. Revival groups do not qualify as a home church or group.

  • Online program - Students must attend required Zoom meetings, classes, calls, etc. Students must attend a local church, gathering, or community and be in good standing. Students must complete 100% of all online assignments.


  • Students are allowed four guest passes.

  • For special services or guest speakers, an announcement will be made regarding if it’s a private school service, guest open service, or public service. Special services do not count against your guest passes.

  • If an online student is visiting and desires to bring a guest, they must contact us for approval.

Academic Requirements

  • Students must complete all coursework on due dates to be eligible to continue in school, graduate, and receive the certificate. Course work requirements are handed out at the beginning of each semester. Academic requirements include live classwork, homework, Zoom classes and meetings, and online course work.

Discipline and Accountability

  • Students must adhere to all instructions given by SOR leadership, staff, and instructors. Failure to do so will result in immediate suspension and/or dismissal. Students will not be granted any refunds on grounds of suspension or dismissal.

  • Students who are accepted to school on probationary status must complete all prerequisites and follow all procedures put in place during their acceptance agreement. Failure to adhere to the plan will invoke immediate dismissal.

  • Students must adhere to the Code of Conduct: any breach in policy may include disciplinary actions or dismissal. Students who are dismissed from school are only eligible for refunds according to the payment policy. Students must adhere to a restoration plan if they face disciplinary actions, failure to do so will result in dismissal.

  • Students who exhibit any behavior that causes danger to themselves or others will be immediately dismissed, asked to leave, or removed from the premises by authorities. Students who are dismissed for dangerous, violent behavior, or sexual harassment are not eligible for refunds. Students who are dismissed on these bases will receive a restraining order from SOR and/or other students. School of Revivalists Ministries Inc and/or other organizations, or individuals may take legal action for any personal, emotional, physical, property, business, or organizational damages that occur.

  • Students must meet with a pastor or leader once a month for a spiritual health check-up.

  • Online students must perform a spiritual health check-up once per month with a pastor or counselor via a phone call or Zoom.

  • Dress Code: While we have no specific items to advise, we simply ask that students keep modesty in mind when attending official SOR events. If leadership feels a student’s attire is a distraction, then we will ask them to make an adjustment. We respect everyone and feel that the individual has the ability to manage themselves. If a student has an issue with another’s attire, they can ask a leader about it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a change will be made. Our role is to protect the environment, yet not enforce one’s personal preference upon someone else.


  • Students must complete all minimum requirements for the course of study, payments, academics, attendance, and discipline to graduate and receive a certificate, diploma, or degree.

  • Auditing students must complete all requirements to receive a letter of attendance.

  • Students who are required to perform extracurricular work to receive a certificate may still participate in graduation, but may not receive their certificate until all requirements are completed.

    • Students who fail to meet graduation and certificate requirements may still attend school, but not participate in graduation nor receive a certificate.

  • Work extension assignments must be completed within 14 days of graduation to receive a certificate.

  • Students who are unable to continue in school or are dismissed will not graduate or receive a certificate.

Program Completion

  • Students who complete at least one semester of the curriculum before withdrawal are eligible to complete the program on a case-by-case basis. They must apply to re-enter the program and be in good standing with SOR and up-to-date on tuition payments.

  • The corresponding program may be completed either by attending the live classes or online.

  • If a program is no longer offered, the student may not be eligible to complete that specific program, but their classes may be eligible for transfer to a current program.

  • If a student paid in full for a program and then withdrew before the program was complete, they will be required to pay $500 to complete the program.

  • If a student only paid for the portion of the program they completed, they must pay the remainder of the difference of current program tuition to complete the curriculum.

Online Only Programs & E-Courses

  • Online students must adhere to policy requirements where applicable.

  • Online students must adhere to all terms/policies/conditions listed on the student portal.


  • Students are liable for any damages done to property owned by School of Revivalists Ministries Inc, including personal, property, on or off location, or spaces used or rented by SORM Inc, public or private.

Policy Updates

  • As per the application agreement, all students agree to any and all policy changes by School of Revivalists Minsitries Inc.


  • School of Revivalists Ministries Inc., in compliance with Florida Rule 6E-7.001, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Designation of Restrooms and Changing Facilities in Private Postsecondary Educational Institutions, Section 553.865, F.S., the Safety in Private Spaces Act. Restrooms are designated for the exclusive use by males or females. Biological males may only enter male restrooms, and biological females may only enter female restrooms. Unisex restrooms are for males or females and are not to be improperly entered. All SOR employees, students, team members, volunteers, guests, and anyone on the SOR premises must adhere to this protocol. Anyone who improperly enters a restroom of the opposite biological sex will face disciplinary measures, including suspension and/or expulsion of the student, suspension and/or termination of the employee or team member, and removal of the guest from premises. Failure to adhere to disciplinary measures will result in contacting local authorities.